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February 2020 President’s Message

Good afternoon Homebrewers,

Welcome to the longest February in 4 years, hopefully everyone was able to go out and enjoy the 50 degree weather and sun this weekend- maybe even brew up something delicious? We have been very busy this month; we kegged the 2019 Barrel Project: Maker’s Mark Old Ale and let me say, this is one of the best ones I have had. We got a chance to feature it in Birds and Brews this month and it was very well received. Theres many more to come this year from OVHA and Wesselman Woods so stay tuned! This month’s meeting is at Germannia on February 26th at 7PM-we will be taking club pictures so make sure to wear your Dress Blues or Oranges rather. Of course we will be taking dues and also assisting those interested in getting their AHA Membership. I look forward to seeing you all in a couple weeks! Cheers!