As discussed at the July meeting, we are looking to do a brewery bus trip to Carbondale, Illinois on Saturday September 14. The poll indicated that this is preferred over the picnic we normally do in September.
So, I need some firm commitments to see if we can get close to filling a charter bus and making this trip happen.
Pricing is not set but we are shooting for $15 each for members and $25 each for guests and other non-members. Beer and food not included. This is for transportation only.
Itinerary is also not set but here are some potential stops:
I keep hearing great things about Scratch: http://scratchbeer.com/
They are doing all kinds of strange things like foraging off their farm for ingredients and wood-fire brew kettles.
Next would be Big Muddy: http://bigmuddybrewing.com/
And I don’t know much about Von Jakob Vineyard and Brewery http://vonjakobvineyard.com/brewery/. Probably small scale on the beer side.
The Hanger 9 is another potential stop: http://thehangar9.com/
And a stop for lunch in there somewhere.
Leaving at perhaps 8 a.m. and returning around 7 p.m.
If you would like to do this trip, please reply and give me the total number of people you will be bringing, including yourself.