We had over 60 members and guests in attendance at the February meeting! Another awesome turn out! This months meeting was designed to put brewers in the judging seat. The goal was to educate and inform on how the beer judging process works. Everyone was given a BJCP style guideline sheet, two score sheets and two beers to judge. Jack Fry, head brewer at Turoni’s Main Street Brewery walked everyone through how he goes about the task of scoring a beer.
We hope that by going through this process a few times this year we all get better at tasting and brewing beer. Who knows, we might even inspire a few more members to work towards becoming a certified BJCP judge.
Speaking of BJCP… we just got the word that our very own VP, Sky Buttrum, is scheduled to head to Cincinnati on July 19th and take the ever elusive BJCP tasting exam. Make sure to wish him good luck the next time you see him!

Sky and Nathan giving it the sniff test…