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March 2020 President’s Message

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Homebrewers!

It is a bitter sweet time to celebrate but I hope you all are grabbing a pint of Dry Stout or Irish Red and spending time with family or close friends.  The impact of COVID-19 (as I’m sure everyone is tired of hearing about) has inevitably reached us all in some way or another.  School and business closings, layoffs and quarantines have us reeling and creating quite a mess of our day to day.  I had planned earlier in the month an exciting meeting at Damsel showcasing all of the interesting, wacky and new homebrew equipment our members utilize, unfortunately, due to the regulations and recommendations of the CDC, the Board and I have decided to cancel this month’s meeting.  As homebrewers and craft beer enthusiast we understand what it means to band together and support our communities in many ways.  As that is, we are called to exercise diligence and restraint and stay in on this holiday that most spend out at local pubs and breweries.  Although we can’t physically meet this month, I encourage you all to still try to support local business and breweries while you can; we are fortunate to have a handful of local breweries that offer carry out.  In addition to not being able to meet this month, we had planned a donation of the OVHA Half-Pot to benefit relief for Weston Stamps.  Weston was involved in a terrible accident in December that damaged his spinal cord and left him thinking he would be unable to walk again.  To much celebration, he has been discharged from the hospital and has started outpatient therapy for the next 1-2 months depending on his progress.  Weston and his family could still use some support; since we cannot donate half-pot donations, I ask that you please offer up anything you can to support this young man in his journey to walk again.  You can donate with the link provided here:

Above all, I hope you all stay healthy, safe and cherish time spent with your loved ones, I can’t wait until I can raise a pint with you all once again!

Yours truly,
