Fellow Home-brewers,
As I write this entry, I’m reminded of the opening monologue in the Star Trek shows. However, rather than being on a starship headed for a galaxy “far, far, away”, I’m aboard a 737 bound for Las Vegas. Unlike many travelers to “Lost Wages”, I eschew the strip (unless traveling with my wife) in favor of downtown and the Fremont Street experience. Besides a lot of free entertainment, there are three breweries/brewpubs in the Fremont district within walking distance – Triple Seven Brewery, the Chicago Brewing Company, and Banger Brewery, the newest of the three. Although Chicago Brewing Company doesn’t brew on site, their brewery is in the Vegas area. All three establishments offer quality suds, so next time you’re in the area, venture off the beaten path. You’ll be glad you did.
Last month I mentioned a DIY project I hoped to complete by the September meeting. Well….I got busy (I.e., lazy) and I’ve not completed the bucket air conditioner. However, with the arrival of somewhat cooler air, I don’t have the same sense of urgency. Also, good luck finding a 7 inch fan this time of year. I’ll have to let my fingers do the walking to find one. Anyway, I ended up buying six styrofoam bucket liners, so if anyone needs one, I can hook you up.
Lest you think I’ve been a total couch potato, I have spent some time since our last meeting putting together a electric nano-homebrewery in my basement. The system is built around an induction cooktop. So far, I’ve brewed two small batches and I’ve quite enjoyed the experience. Chris Norrick has built a similar system. At this month’s meeting, Chris and I will share our experiences and showcase some of our equipment (WARNING, WARNING…a bag may be involved).
Thanks in advance for those of you who have committed beer and your time to the Evansville Museum’s Brew Ha Ha which takes place September 27. I believe we have enough beer to occupy all 12 taps on the OVHA brew cart and enough volunteers to set up, serve and tear down. I know Dwayne Delaney, OVHA’s event coordinator, appreciates your help. Also, please show your support for Wesselman’s Wandering Owl in October and Tap & Cork at Holy Redeemer the following month.
I’d like to remind everyone that the November meeting has been moved to Wednesday, November 19. That will be an especially eventful meeting. Besides conducting the final calibration tasting/judging for the year (Caesar’s Munich Dunkel), it will also be time to drop off your Big Turkey contest entry. In case you’re unaware, the style for this year’s contest is Category 9, Scottish Ales (includes Irish ales). Isn’t it ironic that the selection of this style coincides with the referendum for Scottish independence. Coincidence or fate? Anyway, if you haven’t already done so, get brewing!
Well, I just finished a Fat Tire (amazing how good it tastes when your only other premium selection is Heinekin) and my flight is entering Denver airspace. In just a couple weeks the Great American Beer Festival will be taking place in the Mile High City. If you haven’t been to the GABF, put it on your bucket list. I know that several of our members and other familiar faces in the Evansville craft beer scene will be venturing to this year’s event. Safe travels!
That’s all for now. See you Wednesday, September 24!