Fellow Members of OVHA,
The Annual Barrel Brew was held on April 2nd and was a huge success! 65 gallons of 1.085 OG imperial stout wort was brewed, has finished at 1.019 and is now aging in a Knob Creek barrel provided by our friends a the Evansville Bourbon Society. A special thanks goes to Jason Carson for hosting the event, John Mills for all of his assistance, and Superior Ag for providing the ingredients.
Our next club event is the AHA Big Brew on May 7th starting at 8am. The AHA styles this year are Altbier and Ginger Ale and the club will provide 2 sets of ingredients for each recipe with the understanding that the brewers donate half of the finished product to a club event. As of this posting, two are not spoken for. If you don’t choose to brew one of the provided recipes, you are encouraged to brew whatever you like. This is an opportunity for us to reach out to the public to spread the joy of homebrewing. We will be brewing at two locations this year; Superior Ag on North St Joe and the Posey County Co-op in Mt. Vernon. Please see the message board for more details.
Indiana Brewers Cup is fast approaching. Important dates are listed below
5/31 – 6/24: Early Registration
6/11 – 6/24: Entry Delivery @ Sun King
7/8 – 7/9: Judging
7/9: Reception & Awards
We will be organizing a club delivery trip to Indy.
The Zoo Brew is quickly approaching (June 4th). Get those fermenters full ASAP!!
We have great tech topic planned for the April meeting. Dwayne Delaney will be discussing SMaSH (Single Malt and Single Hop) brewing. SMaSH brewing is an excellent way to really get to know your ingredients.
As a reminder, please continue to bring those canned goods to every meeting.