Greetings Homebrewers,
Wow, I can’t believe it’s already time again for another homebrew meeting. 2015 is winding down fast! At the Wednesday November 18th meeting it’s time to turn in your big turkey entries! The OVHA Big Turkey brewing contest is open to all paid members of the OVHA. The beer styles for the 9th annual OVHA member’s only Big Turkey brewing contest are Porter and IPA, BJCP Category 12 and Category 14. One winner, the Best of Show, will get their name on the Big Turkey trophy, brew their recipe at Carson’s Brewery, receive one year’s free OVHA membership, and get a Big Turkey ceramic stein. Other prizes to be announced. Be sure to go online to www.ovha.net/turkey to get your entries registered before you turn them in Wednesday! Also, I’d like to give a big thanks to Tin Man for hosting the judging!
At the November meeting we will be holding the annual officer nominations for the 2016 OVHA board of directors. This is a great experience and I strongly recommend any one who has any interest in being a board member to self-nominate themselves for a position on the board. If you have some great ideas for the club or just want to participate more here is your chance! Serving on the board and as president has been a great honor for me and a very fulfilling experience. According to the OVHA by-laws The Board of Directors shall consist of the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer of the association and five at large members who shall hold office for a period of 1 year or until their successors are elected. The nine Board of Directors members shall be chosen from among the members of the association, by the members of the association present at each Annual Meeting. Nominations for the board shall be made one month prior to the annual meeting. The vice president shall assume the role of president the year following his term. The Board of Directors shall meet no less often than quarterly. Special meetings of the Board may be called by any member of the Board of Directors upon 7 days’ notice in person, mail, or electronic delivery.
Learn to Homebrew Day was a smashing success this year thanks to the hard work of organizer John Mullins. We had seven brewers a brewing, and a few spectators come out to celebrate right out on the main drag at Dr. Tieman’s Chiropractic in Boonville. Learn to Homebrew Day (LTHD) was established by the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) in 1999 to encourage homebrewer’s to introduce their non-brewer friends and family to homebrewing. A big thanks to Dr. Tieman for letting us host this event in his parking lot. He has already welcomed us back for future events.
The 2015 beer festival season is wrapping up with Holy Redeemer’s Tap & Cork which is the last festival of the year. Right now on the OVHA website it looks like we have about 13 members signed up to serve and 11 kegs of beer donated. A big thanks to John Mills for organizing this event, and I am greatly appreciative for all of the hard work our club members have put into donating beer and their time to these charity events this year. Just a reminder, the first beer festival of 2016 will be held at Christ the King’s Winterfest on January 9th, 2016. This is a new event and we would like to have a good showing as we do with our other events. They are expecting around 400 exhibitors. The hours will be from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm, so we will need some servers and some beer donations. You can sign up to volunteer or donate on the OVHA website.
The new OVHA work shirts have been ordered! We had a total of 28 shirts ordered which should be ready to be picked up at the December 16th meeting. Price will be $40 per shirt, add $2 for 2XL & 3XL. Remember, the December 16th family meeting is an hour early at 6pm and a family friendly potluck. The December meeting is the meeting where members are encouraged to bring the family and friends out for a pitch-in dinner. As is customary the club will supply the meat dish so prepare your favorite side dish to share. Also, don’t forget December is the time to renew your membership dues.
We only have two meetings left for the year so don’t miss them! Remember your canned goods and I’ll see you at the meeting Wednesday!
Sky Buttrum